Consecration Sunday

Sunday, May 1, 2022 will be Consecration Sunday a day that we will Celebrate
and Dedicate our Lives to the Lord
we will celebrate Consecration Sunday
here at Bright Star Community Church. When we were saved, we were born
again with the life of God. What a truly wonderful and joyous experience!
But regeneration is only the beginning of our spiritual journey.

After we’re regenerated, the next step is to consecrate, or give ourselves to
the Lord. In this letter, we’ll look at the meaning of consecration, and why
it’s a crucial step in our life-long journey with the Lord.

What is Consecration?
In religion, the word consecration is commonly used in reference to the
official ordaining of a person to be a pastor, priest, or missionary. This use
implies that consecration is something that’s reserved for a special category
of people. But the New Testament reveals that it’s something
that every believer in Christ can, and should, experience.

Consecration is also not something only for knowledgeable or spiritually
mature Christians. Rather, we all need to consecrate ourselves to the Lord in
order to deepen our personal knowledge of Christ and grow in the divine
life, even if we’ve only just gotten saved. This is because consecration is
the basis for every spiritual experience.

So what is consecration? Consecration is giving yourself to the Lord to
become “a living sacrifice,” as Paul says in Romans 12:1:

“I exhort you therefore, brothers, through the compassions of God to
present your bodies a living sacrifice
, holy, well pleasing to God,
which is your reasonable service.”

In the Old Testament, sacrifices were set apart for God by being placed on
the altar. In offering something to God, one relinquished ownership of that
item. Instead, it belonged to God, for His use and His satisfaction.

Today, when we consecrate ourselves to the Lord, we become a living
sacrifice. This means we put ourselves completely in His hands. Before we
consecrated ourselves, our life was for the pursuit of our own goals and
satisfaction; now, it’s for Him.

When we present ourselves to the Lord as a living sacrifice, we’re
simply telling Him: “Lord Jesus, my life is for You. I no longer
belong to myself, the world, or anything else. I’m here for You
and for Your satisfaction.”

I would encourage you to be sure to worship with us every Sunday! He is
worthy of all honor and all praise.